Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Month 7

Well folks its been an 'almost month' as Mum calls it. I almost have teeth, I can almost crawl and I can almost sit up by myself for long periods of time without falling over. And I tell you its been hard work! But I have also gone up a size in clothing now so I get a whole new wardrobe...must say I'm looking pretty good these days :-)

For example- I love this new jumpsuit Hari and Justin gave me...

New learnings for the month:

Mum and Dad think I'm too young for the internet...

My new playmate Coco is lots of fun and gave Mum and Dad an idea about how we may need to baby proof the house with my imminent crawling...

Doing Daddy's tax is hard work... so get an accountant Dad!

And his time is much better spent like this...

Learning to crawl is NOT easy. But I am getting a lot better at it now. This was taken earlier this month...

But at least I get padding for sitting up practice

Seeker has been watching how much attention I get about sitting up so thought she would try it to!

Of course new eating and drinking experiences have been great!

Though Daddy thinks I'm too young for coffee no matter how well he makes it...

But feeding myself with grated food is great!

Finally, being more mobile is allowing me to visit with the dogs a lot more. If only Hunter knew how much I want to grab those ears...

So overall its been a good month. Mum has started slowly working on her PhD again when she gets the chance. Dad's working hard as the sound engineer and lighting technician that he is. Family and friends continue to visit and I have a lovely day with Granny Mare and Grandpa Peter once a week (Mum's still not sure whether to call it her sanity day or her PhD day!).

I have called Mum "Mum" once but mostly like to just tease her with mmmmm sounds. I have started clapping occasionally when encouraged and can bang on the ground or a toy when asked. I also give big sloppy wet kisses to some special people (like Mum when she gets me out of bed in the morning!). My growth is all normal and I'm still called 'super strong' by our local child nurse!

That's it from me folks xxoo