Friday, May 29, 2009

Feb- April 2009

Hey Folks! Well its been a very busy 3 months. We spent a lot of time during Feb with Granny and Grandad because the fires were too close to our house. It was a bit squishy at their house but LOTS of fun!

But my birthday was in March and we had a lovely time. This is Daddy showing me about my bubble maker toy...

And boy does it make good bubbles!

Mum made me a lovely birthday cake
Which tasted REALLY good!
Aunty Steph, Blake, Narni and Grumpy came over for afternoon tea and Steph bought more bubbles!

Then a few weeks later we had a party for all the Arians we love (Granny, Me, Virginia and Mum). It was also Easter so we had an easter egg hunt. Good thing the Easter Bunny knew we were going to have so many people around...
Two of the birthday girls!
Outdoor fun with Felix my cousin and Aunty Grace
The deck was where lots of people watched our fun...

This is one of Mum's favourite birds that comes to visit...its a King Parrot. I love all the birds at our house too.
I like to watch them eat the seed we put out in our driveway.
I've been practicing my gymnastic skills lately

Think I'm getting pretty good too!
I've also been practising my block skills. I had a little help with this one!
And Daddy has been teaching me about world domination...its pretty funny.
More blocks

This is the bump that scared Mum and Dad awfully..Hunter and I ran into each other and I didn't fare too well!

But life is pretty good really.

Yeah I crack myself up a lot!

I love to dance

And I love to sing

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